The sun is out and after a week of steady rain it’s no coincidence that 40% of our staff is out of the office today (most likely out on a boat). To kick off National Safe Boating Week, those of us working are celebrating National Wear Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day. Now in its fifth year, this campaign aims to show just how easy it is to wear a personal floatation device, even at work! For a chance to win some cool prizes from MD Dept. of Natural Resources just snap a photo of a co-worker, friend of family member (or take a selfie) wearing a life jacket at work in Maryland today. Photo subjects must be at least 16 years old. To enter, post your photo on the Maryland Natural Resources Police Facebook page or Tweet it to @MDNRPolice. Be sure to use the hashtag ‪#‎wearitmaryland‬ on all photographs. Happy Friday to all, hope you find some time on the water this weekend! [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" size="medium" ids="14195,14194,14193,14192,14191,14190" orderby="rand"]