The Chesapeake Conservancy's goal is to eventually map the entire John Smith Chesapeake Trail, and so far, they have mapped nine sections of it.
- Nanticoke River
- Susquehanna-West Branch
- Susquehanna River
- James River
- Mallows Bay-Potomac River
- Rappahannock River
- Fones Cliffs
- Patapsco River
- Baltimore Inner Harbor
According to the Chesapeake Conservancy website, "Richmond-based Terrain360, built and operates a one-of-a-kind handmade boat, equipped with six cameras mounted 10 feet above the water's surface to capture high-resolution, 360-degree images every 50 feet. These images are stitched together to create a digital image map of the entire river."

The latest virtual tour is of Baltimore's Inner Harbor, allowing users to experience a 360 degree tour from their desktop or mobile device. And with this latest project, the Chesapeake Conservancy went a step farther: Apart from being able to view the waterways around Baltimore, users can also tour the inside of Fort McHenry. Access the full tour at
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