The Marine Trades Association of Maryland (MTAM) would like to recognize Dawson Combs, Dylan Barclay, and Garrett Tate for their completion of MTAM’s six-week on-the-job training program.

Each candidate completed his training at Pasadena Boat Works. Combs said among the things he learned to do was install T-tops and adjust trailers. Barclay learned how to install radios and Simrad devices. Tate learned the ins and outs of servicing a motor, as well as battery installation and the basics of gel coat. All three became familiar with the boat delivery process and gained experience in engine rigging and repowers. Each candidate reported that he was grateful for the guidance he received from both his immediate Supervisor, Mario (left) and Pasadena Boat Works Manager, Nick Doetsch.
“It’s good to see young people excited about the boating industry,” Doetsch said. “We really appreciate the efforts by MTAM to show young people the career opportunities here.” MTAM also voiced their appreciation for Marine Trades Industry Partners, like Doetsch, who put in the time and effort to cultivate young workers and take a vested interest in their success. Executive Director Susan Zellers explains, “The willingness of our partners to participate in the program and invest in their own future workforce is the key to turning our workforce development efforts into tangible results. We cannot emphasize enough what a huge difference a few new workers in the industry makes for the industry as a whole.”