Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - 09:32
Here at PropTalk, it's no secret that we're dog people and enjoy seeing reader photos of boating dogs, but THIS one was truly unusual. A couple of paddling enthusiasts were asked by Canoe and Kayak Magazine how they got their cat into canoeing, so they interviewed Emma the cat. Here's what she had to say:
My name is Emma Deans. When Nicole and Brian picked me up from an animal shelter in Grand Rapids, Michigan for the first time, they took me home on a bicycle. That's when I knew that I was in for a wild life. Growing up in West Michigan was wonderful, but my dad, being from Alaska, was eager to get back home and introduce me to the wonders of the Great North.
My mom took this picture during our first canoe ride in Talkeetna, Alaska. I'd been out on a pontoon boat before -- but this was a little different. The canoe was pretty wobbly and I was nervously pacing up and down the length of the boat at first. Eventually, I found my sea legs, though, and had courage enough to peek over the sides of the canoe. I loved seeing the water bugs dance on the surface of the pond, but I wanted a better view. I hopped up on dad's shoulders (like I've done a million times before for walks, bike rides, etc.). That's when I could really see it all, from the loons across the pond to the skillful way my dad paddles a canoe. It was pretty exciting to say the least.
Since then, I've canoed often. Sometimes when my parents paddle too slowly, though, so I jump ship, swim through the shallows, and walk myself back up to shore. We have a good time with it and I'm a really good sport too, which helps. ... FIND THE FULL LETTER AND STORY HERE>