I realize only a few dedicated will attempt cold weather fishing in February, but there are those of us that do need to be prepared for the cold weather we will face.

Dressing for a tog or cod trip in February begins with a bottom layer of long underwear. New fabrics have replaced the itchy wool models our grandparents wore.
Next, I put on my heavy blue jeans. These are an old pair that, should they come into contact with fish slime or clam juice, it will only improve their essence. A chamois shirt goes on next. It comes from the same bin as the blue jeans.
The next layer is a pullover shirt from Columbia that my son Ric gave me for Christmas a few years ago. It is lined with some sort of silver material that holds in the body heat.
Finally, I have a heavy hooded sweatshirt that goes on over everything else. This cuts the cold and wind out pretty well.
Fishing is a wet operation and, in the winter, that wet is also very cold. Spray from the sea or water off of fish can quickly soak through most material. But not rubber. I have a set of Grunden foul weather bibs and a pullover jacket. I know there are newer materials out there and I have seen folks wearing them on fishing boats, but my Grundens have been with me for a long time and replacing them with the new stuff would set me back at least a grand.
Neoprene gloves and rubber boots finish off my winter fishing outfit.
By Eric Burnley