Where should Chesapeake Bay boaters go to find Maryland crabs and refreshing ice-cold crushes? The Queen Anne’s County Crabs and Crushes Trail, of course.

If you’re looking for a fun, quick, and easy way to find hot crabs and cold crushes in Queen Anne’s County, look no further than visitqueenannes.com/crabsncrushes, where you will find more than a dozen establishments worth visiting for summertime-friendly drink and dine options.
We’re talking about fan favorites such as The Jetty Restaurant & Dock, Bridges, Harris Crab House, Fisherman’s Inn and Fisherman’s Crab Deck, Red Eye’s Dock Bar, The Narrows Restaurant, The Big Owl, and Dock House Restaurant, all on the Kent Narrows, and other nearby hot spots such as Rolphs Wharf Marina in Chestertown, Doc’s Riverside Grille in Centreville, and in Stevensville the Kentmorr and Libbey’s Coastal Kitchen and Cocktails.
I guess you could say it’s like a real-life Candy Land trail for adults. Just follow the path to find hot crabs and cold drinks this summer. For more dock bars, visit PropTalk’s Dock Bar Guide (presented this season by Crabs N' Crushes in Queen Anne's County!). Always be sure to bring along a designated skipper/driver on your travels.