It was another great year for the Bay Bridge Boat Show, held April 12-14 at the Bay Bridge Marina in Stevensville, MD. More than 400 powerboats were on display at the largest in-water boat show north of Florida, with several available for demos on the PropTalk Demo Dock. Thank you to everyone who stopped by the PropTalk/FishTalk booth! We love meeting our readers and look forward to the Annapolis Boat Shows in the fall.

Cool Products at the Show
This year there were several cool products we saw at the show, along with a very wild new motorcycle boat!
AutoSig Smart Filter System: AutoSig Smart Marine Fuel Filter Water Detection System for Boats alerts you of water in your fuel system before it reaches the paper element. AutoSig by Entratech is the only aftermarket “smart” spin on fuel filter/water separator for gasoline with an internal water probe. A water-in-fuel alert can provide early warning of trouble.
DRYBOAT: We had the opportunity to talk with Scott Richmond of DRYBOAT about his revolutionary moisture removal system for boats. The first step is detecting the area of water intrusion into the boat's hull using a moisture meter. DRYBOAT then uses a non-destructive restoration process that involves drilling very small holes for tubing that combines the application of warm air into the hull along with suction.
King Hell Boats: When we saw this display on land, we knew had to take a closer look. Chris Ashley has created a brand new, patent-pending boat design that features a classic wooden runabout look with the power of a V-twin Harley Davidson motorcycle engine. It even has handlebars like a big cruising bike.
LunaMar Smart Docking Systems: Randy Hall of LunaMar Smart Docking Systems demonstrated for us how to dock your boat more easily with SmartDOCK using your VHF radio as a remote control for your dock lighting, boat lift, and other electronics. The SmartNAV System uses LED lighting to help you navigate your boat into your slip.