This past summer, on June 20, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary celebrated its 85th anniversary with a ceremony held at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC. The ceremony recognized the Auxiliary’s rich history as a primary promoter of recreational boating safety and as an integral force multiplier for the US Coast Guard.

coast guard auxiliary
Coast Guard Auxiliary members performing a vessel safety check. Courtesy of USCG/Facebook

If you enjoy boating and appreciate the navigational aids and other resources that make America’s waters safe, you might want to consider joining a local Auxiliary flotilla. The Auxiliary’s 26,000 volunteers provide nearly four million hours of service annually in all 50 States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam, offering boating safety classes, free vessel safety checks, and safety patrols. Like their active duty and reserve Coast Guard counterparts, Auxiliarists are “Semper Paratus” (always ready) and always looking for volunteers. Locally, Auxiliarists were part of the Key Bridge collapse response team.

The Auxiliary’s mission is: to promote and improve recreational boating safety; to provide trained crews and facilities to augment the Coast Guard, and enhance safety and security of our ports, waterways, and coastal regions; and to support Coast Guard operational, administrative, and logistical requirements. Auxiliarists do not have law enforcement or military responsibilities but do provide radio watch standers at Coast Guard stations and assist with search and rescue when called upon by the Coast Guard. 

The Coast Guard Auxiliary was established by Congress in 1939 to help address an increase in boating accidents as more Americans began to enjoy recreational boating as the US emerged from the Great Depression. During World War II Auxiliarists were authorized to serve as temporary Coast Guard reservists and help secure America’s waters. Today they focus on education, safety, and watch standing. Learn more at