Chesapeake Bay Marinas

Looking for a slip for your boat? Find the perfect home for your powerboat in PropTalk's Chesapeake Bay Marinas Directory! Click on the directory listings or map for marina information including available slips, transient slips, gas, diesel, pump outs, maximum boat length, water depth, maintenance, as well as other amenities such as restaurants, dock bars, and swimming pools. Be sure to read our tips on how to choose the right marina for you and your family.

If you're interested in having your marina appear in our print and online directory please email [email protected] or call us at 410-216-9309 and ask to speak with an advertising representative.

Lift Tonnage


Marina Location Address
Campbell's Boatyards Tred Avon River 26106 A Bachelors Harbor Drive, Oxford, MD
Coles Point Marina Potomac River 190 Plantation Drive, Hague, VA
Corinthian Yacht Club of the Chesapeake Smith Creek 48555 Bean Road, Ridge, MD
Hartge Yacht Harbor West River 4883 Church Lane, Galesville, MD
Nomad Norview Marina Rappahannock River, Broad Creek 18691 General Puller Hwy., Deltaville, VA
Piney Narrows Yacht Haven Chester River 500 Piney Narrows Road, Chester, MD
Selby Bay Marina Selby Bay 931 Selby Blvd, Edgewater, MD
Skipjack Cove Yachting Resort Sassafras River 150 Skipjack Road, Georgetown, MD